Tuesday, September 11, 2007


All 3 of my kids are in bed before 8 o'clock. Now I know some of you may roll your eyes, others might have a slight case of disbelief, and some may even have a jaw-dropping thud. (and the rest of you will say, "Oh, that's nice." But it's true, I tell you. And it gets better. One of them was in bed and asleep by 6:45...and it wasn't my youngest child. It was my 5 year old. Shannon J. was the only one priviledged enough to read our dinner dialogue that I posted. I felt bad and deleted it. I've been complaining about Emma a lot lately (she's been hard to handle lately), but she's definately getting better and I've realized that the majority of times when she's cranky, it's mainly because of a lack of sleep. Monday she was insanely cranky so I sent her to bed for 5 minutes and when I came back in (7 minutes later...I know I'm terrible) she was conked out. We were having the missionaries over for dinner that night so I woke her up a little bit later, but sometimes I need to remember that her crankiness isn't her fault, it's mine for not putting them to bed early enough. I'm editing this almost 13 hours after I put her to bed and she's still asleep... But I've got to wake her up to begin our new day!! (We have to leave in a 1/2 hour!)


shannon j said...

Well enjoy your night!

Megan said...

Awww Emma!!! School probably just wears her out! Our kids are usually almost always in bed before 7:30pm, unless we are out or someone is over, etc. Katie is not always ready (depending on her nap that day) but since Porter usually doesn't take a nap, he is SO ready by 7pm. And he gets up at 6am no matter what time he goes to bed, so he needs the early bedtime to function the next day. At least your girls will sleep in! Katie will usually just lay in bed and talk herself to sleep (I love the crib!), but I have a feeling she'll give up naps before Porter did. :(

Hope you enjoyed your quiet night. I also enforce early bedtimes not just for my kids sake - but for mine...kind of selfish, I know. But I need that quiet couple of hours before I crash in my bed too so I can be a sane mom the next day.

We are excited to see you guys this weekend! :) Porter's making lots of plans.

Carrie said...

I'm with Megan B. My kids are early to bedders. I'm selfish. I want the break, plus Lainey's up at like 6 or 6:30, so if I don't want meltdown I get em in bed. We took away Lainey's naps this summer, she wouldn't go to sleep at night (that's how much I value bed time, I take away NAP TIME!!!!) Since she started preschool she's been crashing in the middle of the day more. Poor girl. Hope the rest of the week was better!