Wednesday, November 11, 2009

That's My Girl!

Emma has been learning to ride her bike without training wheels. She is SO my child: TERRIFIED. I didn't learn until I was at least 7-8, and I eventually taught myself because I was too chicken to put myself in someone's hands. I know my sister gave me some awesome pointers. But I digress...

She screams and cries the who-o-o-ole time. I watched one of my neighbors come out of her garage just to see what all the commotion was. It seriously sounds like someone is dragging her by the ponytail or something. Funny thing is - she can do it just fine. Ian lets go all the time and she rides it wonderfully. She's just plain scurred. So today she fell, scraped her elbow, and bonked her knees. You'd think her beloved kitten had just been hit by a car(if she actually had a kitten). So I brought her inside and cleaned up her elbow. While she was recovering she had an awesome one-liner. She was just at the end of her crying when she stopped, looked in the mirror, took a couple breaths, and said, " My shirt kinda makes me feel better cuz it's so cute."

And then she got a popsicle. Because popsicles make everything better.

P.S. As I'm writing this I overheard her tell Ian(after being told to clear her dinner place), "I feel feeble." That girl reads too many books.


Dan~Kerst~Bree~Bryce~Braden~Briggs~Brooklyn said...

That is so funny! I love it. Bree is the same way. :)

Sheila said...

OH my gosh I'm laughing so hard! I love her shirt one glad you posted. Maybe someday I'll know what a girl is like!!!

Melinda said...

Her shirt is pretty darn cute.

Kari said...

Too funny! Gotta love em and the drama that comes with! And I think her shirt is pretty cute too!