Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Best Idol Moment from last night: Paula's hiccup. At 41 seconds into the video Paula has one totally random and super loud hiccup. (I appologize for the audition you have to watch in order to see the hiccup - I thought it was lame)

David's favorite moment was Leo Marlowe's song. David started dancing the second his song began. I actually really liked this singer, so if it weren't for the hiccup, this would have been the best moment - especially since he got all red faced and teary-eyed when they said he was going to Hollywood - so sweet.

"My mom always said she raised the best homecoming queen, too bad it wasn't one of her daughters." - classic


Unguren said...

I thought the most random was that Paula hiccuped and then Simon said "You disgusting pig" Since when is it disgusting to hiccup?

Carrie said...

I loved last nights episode! I have been trying to decide why I love the audition episodes because I HATE it when they are mean to the kids, but I figured it out last night when they had a little montage of all the people that were going to hollywood and them hugging and screaming with their families... I cried. I know, I'm a dork, but I love it when people get what they've worked hard for!