Friday, January 25, 2008


I appologize for my late post, but better late than never, right? I was going to post two from Tuesday night but now I can't remember who my second pick was. :)

Best moment from Tuesday night:
Michael Johns - LOVE his voice. And he seems humble.

Best moment from Wednesday night:
The Lampkins - Don't they just make you smile?

I really was thinking I was going to post a video of Oliver Highman...after all the talk about him and his sweet baby I thought for sure he'd have a great voice. And he was so sweet I just really wanted him to have a great voice. But, alas, we don't always get what we want. I love that Paula wanted to change her vote after he brought the baby in.


Random samplings of my Delightful Life said...

thanks for sharing. I just love American idol. And I love love the napkins/pillows. So cute.

The house we are getting is actually in N. Escondido

Unguren said...

Blake and I were cracking up about the last couple. (The one on your blog.) That guy was soooo funny. I loved at the end how they were yelling "Praise Jesus."